Friday, May 8, 2015

Five Freebies for Friday - Adjectives

Here is the second instalment in my new series! I had a lot of fun finding these amazing freebies. Please consider leaving feedback or a comment on these blogs/stores and let these teacher-authors know how much you appreciate that they have shared their hard work. My hope is that these posts will highlight some teachers that you have never heard of before! :)

Here is a great little packet that includes task cards/a scoot and an assessment worksheet. This is made by Jen Sykes from "Hello Mrs Sykes". The answer key is included and the pigs are too cute! 
Check out her blog (Hello Mrs. Sykes).

I love this "One of a Kind" craft made by Lyndsey Kuster of A Year of Many Firsts.  What a fun way to practice using adjectives and a great way to incorporate some positive self talk with your students. 

I thought this was a super cute craft made by A Sunny Day in First Grade.  You could either have each child describe themselves or you could have your students describe each other! Perfect for kiddos who aren't quite ready to write full sentences or paragraphs yet.

This freebie was made by Angie Olson from Lucky Little Learners. You give each pair of students a mystery item in a brown paper bag. They use adjectives to describe the item and then the class has to guess what is inside. SO fun!! 

Finally, here is a wonderful freebie from Michaela Almeida that is perfect for students who are a bit older! In this activity, students create their own monster and describe it in a paragraph. A graphic organizer is also included!

Thank you for reading! :) I hope you have found something useful for your students.

Until next week,
-Ms. Makinson


  1. Great timing for your post Emily. I can definitely use these right now! Thank you!

    Hanging Around In Primary

    1. Yay! :) I think your class would love the mystery bag activity!

  2. what a fantastic way for the kids to learn, these activities are fantastic and i would love to use them if you dont mind. finding freebies in the uk is never an easy task so these are appreciated.
