Friday, June 12, 2015

Five Freebies for Friday - Verbs

Check out this amazing freebie made by Amy Lemons! There are some great ideas and activities in this packet. You are sure to find something that you can use with your students.

This is an interactive notebook activity created by Lovin Lit. Check out her blog post where she describes this freebie a bit more and explains what she means by "vivid verbs".

Here is a fun freebie made by Rebecca Bishop. This is a task card set that includes QR codes! What kiddo doesn't love working with QR codes? :)

I LOVE this game made by Lindy du Plessis. Have you ever tried "I Have... Who Has?" games with your students? They are a great way to review or to assess at the beginning of a unit. 

Rachel Lamb created this super cute packet! My favourite page has pictures of animals on it and students write a verb beside the animal to describe an action that animal could be doing.

Thank you for reading! Please consider leaving feedback on these amazing freebies to show your appreciation to these hard-working teachers.

-Ms. Makinson

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